The doctor-podiatrist does an examination and massage of the patient's foot

Plantar Fasciitis / Heel Spurs

Dear neighbor,
I have been treating patients in southern Indiana for over 30 years. In my practice as a chiropractor, I have treated thousands of patients who came to me primarily for back pain, neck pain, and treatment for whiplash injuries. During this time however, a great number of people have also come to me with serious complaints of PLANTAR FASCIITIS, and over the years I have developed a unique method of treating this agonizing condition that has proven to be extremely effective.

Plantar (sole of the foot) Fasciitis (inflammation of the tendon and muscle linings) is the most common cause of heel pain in adults. The condition is generally due to tearing of the tendon and muscle linings in the bottom of the foot from the heel bone itself. The symptoms often begin gradually, and usually do not involve any specific injury. Over time, the pain can intensify to the point where standing and walking become next to impossible. Mornings and getting up from a sitting position can be the worst times because of sudden stretching of the plantar fascia. *

The fact is, over 95% of patients with Plantar Fasciitis can be managed without surgery. However, even standard non-operative treatments can take 6 to 12 months to resolve symptoms, and occasionally they can result in serious side effects. Prolonged use of NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) can cause stomach, intestinal, kidney and liver complications. Fat Pad Necrosis (rotting of tissue) can develop from improper injection of cortisone. And surgery, even as a last resort, may not improve symptoms and even lead to complete disruption of the plantar fascia. Exercises and arch supports may help, but even these can take months to resolve symptoms.*

As I said earlier, I have treated thousands of patients who have suffered from pain as a result of what amounts to mechanical problems of the joints, muscles and nerves. I have simply developed a way of applying the same principles that work for the spine and applied them to the foot. Through the use of gentle, manual manipulation and physiotherapy techniques, I have what I and many of my patients consider to be an excellent treatment for Plantar Fasciitis.

If you suffer from this painful condition and are still looking for a solution, then you owe it to yourself to call our office today for a free consultation.

Dr. Tom Menendez, D.C.
Advantage Chiropractic
101 Heritage Sq

*Essentials of Musculoskeletal Care, 2nd Edition. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2001. Pp. 487-492.

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